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[EP-tech] Re: upgrading IRStats to IRStats2

I should also note that our ‘access’ table is multiple jiggle-bytes in size, with hundreds of millions of records, so we’re not overly keen on running a full IRStats regen. We’re currently working on strategies to archive old records from the access table.



Matthew Kerwin  |  QUT Library eServices  |  matthew.kerwin@qut.edu.au


From: Matthew Kerwin
Sent: Tuesday, 21 April 2015 09:50
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: upgrading IRStats to IRStats2


Hi folks, sorry if this has been covered elsewhere but I haven’t seen mention of it. One of our repositories was recently updated to 3.3, however we’re still running the old IRStats (v1). We’re eager to update to IRStats2, however we’re not sure what process to go through, nor what risks are involved.


Is there any advice on upgrading IRStats to IRStats2?




Matthew Kerwin  |  Senior Web Developer  |  Applications & Development Team  |  Library eServices  |  Queensland University of Technology  |  Level 3, R Block, Kelvin Grove  |  matthew.kerwin@qut.edu.au  |  CRICOS No 00213J


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