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[EP-tech] Re: Autoarchive local copy of open access document
- To: "eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Autoarchive local copy of open access document
- From: Gutknecht Christian <christian.gutknecht@snf.ch>
- Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 16:49:44 +0000
Hi Andrew The OpenAIRE API can be used to identify open versions of a publication, e.g. http://api.openaire.eu/search/publications?doi=10.1109/JSTARS.2010.2067050 Provided the repository was nice enough to expose not only the URL to splash page you even get the link to the fulltext. Maybe something similar can be achieved by with the BASE Search interface: https://www.base-search.net/about/download/base_interface.pdf If you want more or less structured data from repositories, these are the most comprehensive sources I know. However you would still miss all author websites and publications in social networks (academia.edu<http://academia.edu>, researchgate). If you want to reach out for those sources too, you probably have to use web crawler or build something on Google. Unless you don’t have a huge load of publications, I guess it is faster to do this manually, as you probably want to verify the crawled sources to be the right version anyway. Based on my experience as repository manager, chances are very small that another repository had been more successful than you, to get a relevant accepted manuscript of „your“ authors. Best regards Christian Am 08.04.2015 um 15:03 schrieb Ian Stuart <Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk<mailto:Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk>>: On 08/04/15 13:12, Andrew Beeken wrote: Interesting one from a meeting - if an output is linked to an open access copy that's hosted elsewhere, is there a known plugin or methodology to get EPrints to autoarchive a local copy of that document? Not a generic solution, no. Different repositories (meaning store of things) have different APIs for accessing content. Even Screen-Scraping isn't a solution, as the GUI is highly variable. In theory, one could write a script that grabbed a defined URL, and pulled in all the .pdf / .doc / .xls / etc files and added then to an eprint specified on the command line - but there's always the risk that the web page has links to documents & things in the header/footer area; or there's a side-bar with additional content, or.... -- Ian Stuart. Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org<http://OpenDepot.org> Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team, EDINA, The University of Edinburgh. http://edina.ac.uk/ This email was sent via the University of Edinburgh. The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. *** Options: http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/eprints-tech *** Archive: http://www.eprints.org/tech.php/ *** EPrints community wiki: http://wiki.eprints.org/ *** EPrints developers Forum: http://forum.eprints.org/ ______________________________________ Christian Gutknecht Koordination Informationssysteme Forschungsförderung (CoSi) Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) Wildhainweg 3, Postfach 8232, CH-3001 Bern Telefon: +41 31 308 24 52 christian.gutknecht@snf.ch<mailto:christian.gutknecht@snf.ch> | www.snf.ch<http://www.snf.ch/>
- References:
- [EP-tech] Autoarchive local copy of open access document
- From: Andrew Beeken <anbeeken@lincoln.ac.uk>
- [EP-tech] Re: Autoarchive local copy of open access document
- From: Ian Stuart <Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk>
- [EP-tech] Autoarchive local copy of open access document
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