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Message: #04119

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[EP-tech] OAI9 poster submission deadline

  The OAI Workshop on Current Developments in Scholarly Communication
  is being held in the University of Geneva on 17-19 June 2015. It has
  a call for posters. The deadline is 17 April 2015. See
  http://indico.cern.ch/event/332370/page/6 for more details.

  The Workshop will contain 6 plenary session, focussing on the
  following topics:

   1. A Technical Open Access/Open Science session led by Herbert Van de Sompel

   2. Barriers and Impact

   3. Open Science Workflows: CHORUS and SHARE

   4. Quality Assurance

   5. Institution as Publisher

   6. Digital Curation and preservation of large and complex scientific objects

  Use https://indico.cern.ch/event/332370/registration/ to register.


  Thomas Krichel                  http://openlib.org/home/krichel