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Message: #03925

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[EP-tech] Re: Issue with generated icon on protected documents

Hi Adam,

I have actually just managed to crack this, thanks! :) Yes, the output is
using customised code from before my time so it needs a little wrangling.
I do worry that the code is maybe outdated now, but that¹s an issue for
another day!

On 17/02/2015 11:11, "Field A.N." <af05v@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

>Hi Andrew
>	It looks like you're using a customised abstract page renderer.  I would
>check how this is being rendered and use conditionals to control which
>icon to use.  If you paste the relevant code in either eprint_render.pl
>or whichever citation is controlling this part of it, I can take a look
>and respond.
>	Best Wishes
>Adam Field
>Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
>EPrints Services
>On 16 Feb 2015, at 14:38, Andrew Beeken wrote:
>> Hello! We¹ve got an issue on our EPrints install where the permissions
>>on a pdf are bleeding over into the generated icon of said PDF. For
>>example, this one: http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/12505/. I can imagine
>>that this is to do with whatever script is generating the icon being
>>unable to run if the document is protected. Anyone else come across this
>>or got any ideas how we can circumvent it? Perhaps driving the icon
>>generation to a stock PDF icon should it come across a protected
>>document? Thanks in advance!
>> Andrew
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