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Message: #03923

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[EP-tech] Re: Issue with generated icon on protected documents

Hi Andrew

	It looks like you're using a customised abstract page renderer.  I would check how this is being rendered and use conditionals to control which icon to use.  If you paste the relevant code in either eprint_render.pl or whichever citation is controlling this part of it, I can take a look and respond.

	Best Wishes

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services

On 16 Feb 2015, at 14:38, Andrew Beeken wrote:

> Hello! We’ve got an issue on our EPrints install where the permissions on a pdf are bleeding over into the generated icon of said PDF. For example, this one: http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/12505/. I can imagine that this is to do with whatever script is generating the icon being unable to run if the document is protected. Anyone else come across this or got any ideas how we can circumvent it? Perhaps driving the icon generation to a stock PDF icon should it come across a protected document? Thanks in advance!
> Andrew
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