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[EP-tech] Re: Antwort: Re: About IRStats2

Hi Kostas,

I had that issue, the solution was to have all the GeoIP modules installed and the GeoIP.dat file in place before installing IRStats, which then created all of the relevant tables.  Obviously required a complete rebuild of the stats.




From: pgasinos pgs [mailto:pgasinos@gmail.com]
Sent: 12 December 2014 13:09
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Antwort: Re: About IRStats2


Hi Seb,

1) I have the latest Eprints 3.3.12 and I have installed irstats with bazaar. I also checked the patches that you posted. 

2) I have no such table. My tables are:



2014-12-12 14:10 GMT+02:00 sf2 <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>:


1- Look for _javascript_ warnings/errors when looking at the report which has the map (known issue between google chart and prototype 1.7 - fixed in latest eprints I think)

2- Look if you have any data in the mysql table irstats2_countries (I think that's the name)



On 12.12.2014 10:18, pgasinos pgs wrote:

All statistics from my repository working just fine except one: The thing I can't manage to work is the map of the Origin of downloads. The map shows up but is inactive. I have tried few downloads but nothing shows up in the map. I thing I have installed all libraries and modules regarding geoip but no results.



2014-08-18 12:47 GMT+03:00 pgasinos pgs <pgasinos@gmail.com>:

Thank you Martin

That solves the problem. I solve also the export error by installing libapache2-mod-geoip and libgeo-ip-perl.

Best regards,



2014-08-16 12:08 GMT+03:00 <martin.braendle@id.uzh.ch>:



found a solution myself. In cfg.d/z_irstats2.pl, the use_ids flag must be set to 0:


$c->{irstats2}->{sets} = [


                'field' => 'divisions',

                'groupings' => [ 'authors' ]



                'field' => 'subjects',

                'groupings' => [ 'authors' ]



                'name' => 'type',

                'field' => 'type',

                'groupings' => [ 'authors' ]


#       # EdShare:

#       {

#               'field' => 'courses',

#       }

        # using creators_name and creators_id


                'name' => 'authors',

                'field' => 'creators',

                'groupings' => [ 'type' ],


                'anon' => 1,    # don't show user's email address (the 'id' field)

                # for compound:

# if use_ids == 0 -> just use _name, same as having field => 'creators_name'

# if use_ids == 1 -> use _id as key for the set and _name for display - value will be ignored if _id is NOT set!


                'use_ids' => 0,

#               'id_field' => 'id',             # default value, optional. if the subfield is called 'email' then use 'email'

                minimum_filter_length => 2,





Now authors statistics are generated correctly.


Best regards,



-----eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk schrieb: -----

An: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Von: martin.braendle@id.uzh.ch
Gesendet von: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Datum: 15.08.2014 08:57
Betreff: [EP-tech] Antwort: Re: About IRStats2



it looks like irstats2 has a flaw in gathering author data. From our statistics on our test server zoratest (irstats2 is not yet deployed on the production server www.zora.uzh.ch) we get the following picture:

Most Downloaded Items:

="10077",="10147","<a href=''>Body Modification: psychologische Aspekte von Piercings und anderen Körperveränderungen</a>"
="5958",="2532","<a href=''>Welpenfütterung in der Schweiz</a>"
="5204",="43064","<a href=''>Extraartikuläre weichteilrheumatische Erkrankungen (Weichteilrheumatismus) und Rückenschmerzen</a>"
="4956",="24050","<a href=''>Traumatic pericarditis in cattle: clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic findings</a>"
="4539",="19506","<a href=''>IFRS aktuell: Neues aus wichtigen Gremien rund um die internationale Rechnungslegung</a>"

Top Authors:

="9710",90de69aa75e88bae17a48fe111738757,"Zweifel, Peter"
="9170",a8919638b6af7edf5e6201132093647d,"Schwabe, Gerhard"
="8944",8d05f2d4d6fa6596e6b676723b5082c8,"Fehr, Ernst"
="8381",f3f5e1a2127f50a31435b5fb54d2bef9,"Deplazes, P"
="8289",6f95d542bd0c4b9760811f454004c76c,"Linden, A"

You see immediately that this is plain wrong, because the top author, "Kälin, R" who published eprintid 10147 (see http://www.zora.uzh.ch/10147/) isn't on the list of top authors and should there have a count of 10077 downloads.

Kälin, R also doesn't appear in the Filter Items list of irstats2.

Checking the SQL tables as Seb suggested yields:

mysql> select * from eprint_creators_name where eprintid=10147\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
eprintid: 10147
pos: 0
creators_name_given: R
creators_name_family: K?lin
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from eprint_creators_id where eprintid=10147\G
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Another eprint indeed lists entries in the eprint_creators_id table:

mysql> select * from eprint_creators_id where eprintid=13208;
| eprintid | pos | creators_id                  |
|    13208 |   0 | mjackson@vetclinics.uzh.ch   |
|    13208 |   1 |                              |
|    13208 |   2 | jkuemmerle@vetclinics.uzh.ch |
|    13208 |   3 | afuerst@vetclinics.uzh.ch    |

Conclusion: irstats2 seems to gather author statistics only correctly, if there is creators_id entry (at least an e-mail address set) in table eprint_creators_id . Also it seems to produce a filter list entry only, if there is a corresponding entry in table eprint_creators_id.

Irstats2 authors, please correct this wrong behavior.

Best regards,


Dr. Martin Brändle
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zürich

mail: martin.braendle@id.uzh.ch
phone: +41 44 63 56705
fax: +41 44 63 54505

Inactive hide details for Sebastien Francois ---25/07/2014 15:49:42---And you do have creators data?  (select * from eprint_cre
Sebastien Francois ---25/07/2014 15:49:42---And you do have creators data?  (select * from eprint_creators_name  ---and/or--- select * from epri

Von: Sebastien Francois <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
An: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Datum: 25/07/2014 15:49
Betreff: [EP-tech] Re: About IRStats2
Gesendet von: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk

And you do have creators data?  (select * from eprint_creators_name ---and/or--- select * from eprint_creators_id)

Cos that's where irstats2 tries to process the data from.


On 25/07/14 13:07, pgasinos pgs wrote:

My repository is:

Kostas Pgasinos

Στις Παρασκευή, 25 Ιουλίου 2014, ο χρήστης Sebastien Francois <
sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk> έγραψε:Hey,

Do you have a URL I can look at?

It seems like there are some issues with your data (the "countries' does not exist" error indicates some issues with Geo::IP). Do you get any related errors/warnings when you run "bin/epadmin test"?

If that were possible, I'd re-generate all the stats:

bin/stats/process_stats <id> --uninstall


bin/stats/process_stats <id> --setup --verbose

As you know, this may take some time (depending on the size of your 'access' dataset).

Kind regards,

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