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Message: #03621

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[EP-tech] Re: Different Results from Search/Advanced Search

Hi Dan

	We've taken a look at this here at EPrints Services (you have a support contract, so we're wondering why you didn't contact us directly) and we've discovered the following:

	* The items had not been indexed properly
	* Reindexing those specific items worked

	Both the simple and the advanced search are now returning the same results.  Either the correct sequence of indexing was not correctly triggered or it was triggered but failed to complete.  I have created a support ticket, and a more detailed look will be taken at this.

Best Wishes


On 25 Nov 2014, at 10:28, Dan Lear wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a hosted eprints installation - http://plymsea.ac.uk/
> If I type an author name (eg ‘Ingels’) into the search box I get 13 results.
> If I go to Advanced Search->Creators (any of) and enter ‘Ingels’ I get 16 results.
> Can someone explain the difference between the 2 searches please.
> Many thanks
> Dan
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Adam Field
Business Relationship and Community Manager
EPrints Services