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Message: #03477

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[EP-tech] Re: Irstats error after updating my version of eprints (3.2 --> 3.3)

Salut Jean-Marie,

It's possible you're using an "older" version of irstats2, if so, it sounds like a good opportunity to install the latest version on the bazaar (as you're going through an upgrade process). 

If your irstats2 data tables start in irstats2_eprint_ (like irstats2_eprint_downloads) then you won't be able to recover those. That's the old schema. If they don't, replacing the irstats2 code should be OK and your data will be kept (ie you won't need to regen. the data).

Hope this helps,



On 12.09.2014 07:17, Jean-Marie Le Bechec wrote:

Hi all,

after updated eprints (3.2 -> 3.3.12), I just realized that the script update no longer works; I fixed initially a problem (https://github.com/eprints/irstats2/issues/41) but now I have this error message:

sh-3.2$ /appli/eprints/archives/oatao/bin/stats/process_stats oatao --verbose --verbose
Generating set tables.
Use of uninitialized value in subtraction (-) at /appli/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/Database.pm line 886.
Can't call method "get_property" without a package or object reference at /appli/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/Database.pm line 905.

Should I delete my manual installation of irstats (eprints 3.2) and using eprints bazaar to reinstall it? Or can I fix it and how? What do you recommend?

Thank you.


Jean Marie Le Bechec
Service Commun de la Documentation
Responsable ingenierie documentaire
Direction du Systeme d'Information
Referent Etudes

Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
6 allee Emile Monso - bp 34038 -
31029 Toulouse cedex 4
Tel : 05 34 32 31 16
Mail : lebechec@inp-toulouse.fr

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