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Message: #03476

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[EP-tech] Re: User Masquerade

Hi Dave,

This has never been possible as far as I know. Some components sometime allow to do "stuff on behalf of" other users, such as with the REF plug-in.

Such a feature would require low-level patching of EPrints::Repository->current_user (shouldn't be too hard to achieve though eg store a on_behalf_of cookie, have a validate method and a pin on the template to un-masquerade). This would be a sweet feature!



On 11.09.2014 16:08, David Kane wrote:

Hello All,
I was wondering whether the latest version of eprints allows administrators to masquerade as regular users.  I know this was possible a few years ago, but what is the practice now?  What works on the more recent versions of EPrints?
Thanks and best wishes,
David Kane, MSc (Econ). ILS.
Systems Librarian
Waterford Institute of Technology
T: ++353.51302838
M: ++353.876693212

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