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Message: #03196

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[EP-tech] Re: Altmetrics

I think you need to debug, by following up the stack trace.

We know that EPrints needs to download an EPM file, to copy it to your lib/epm/ directory, then to process it. It's failing somewhere in there.

"Empty stream" suggests that the file is not present or that EPrints didn't manage to open it for reading (is the EPM file present? Can it be open for reading by the "eprints" user or whichever user your Apache is running under?)

I'd also check EPrints::XML::LibXML::event_parse (and see what happens with $fh) and EPrints::DataObj::EPM::new_from_file (again, $fh).

Let us know how the debugging goes?


On 24/06/14 12:43, Andrew Beeken wrote:
Hi Seb - any thoughts on this?

On 23/06/2014 12:04, "Sebastien Francois" <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:


Do you get the same error if you try to install any other bazaar packages?


On 23/06/14 11:56, Andrew Beeken wrote:
Same error from earlier in this thread :)

Empty Stream at /usr/lib/perl5/XML/LibXML.pm line
'GLOB(0x7f66d10ebe78)') called at /usr/lib/perl5/XML/LibXML/SAX.pm line
99\n\teval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/XML/LibXML/SAX.pm line
called at /usr/lib/perl5/XML/LibXML/SAX.pm line
