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Message: #03169

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[EP-tech] Re: Altmetrics

Yes, that will make any linux tool/most PERL libraries to use that proxy setting (eg wget, UA).

However that file might be over-written by EPrints (it's auto-generated from the local conf).

One way to have this into EPrints is to edit eprints/archives/<id>/cfg/cfg.d/session.pl (create it if it doesn't exist) and:

$c->{session_init} = sub
        my( $repository, $offline ) = @_;

        $ENV{http_proxy} = "http://wherever.your.proxy.is:3128/";

Then restart apache (perhaps the indexer too).


On 17/06/14 15:34, Lizz Jennings wrote:
When I was having trouble with the EPrints Bazaar not loading, I found 

SetEnv http_proxy http://wherever.your.proxy.is:3128/



solved the problem.

Not sure if that will help?


On 17/06/2014 15:25, Andrew Beeken wrote:
Got it.

Yes, that¹s returning XHTML output which I presume is correct. Any ideas
what might be stopping it at this end? Any files I should be checking
within our EPrints installation?

On 17/06/2014 15:09, "Sebastien Francois" <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

It's an uppercase "X" (check curl's manual - "man curl")

On 17/06/14 15:11, Andrew Beeken wrote:
On dev and live I get: curl: (5) Couldn't resolve proxy 'GET'

That¹s running from the command line.

On 17/06/2014 14:51, "Sebastien Francois" <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:


Simple test: on your servers (dev, live), try getting the bazaar front
page with (say) cURL. That will test if you're proxy'ed and if it
"empty stream" seems to indicate you're not getting any content back
from, what I presume, is the GET to the bazaar.

(curl -X GET http://bazaar.eprints.org)


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