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Message: #03101

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[EP-tech] Re: IRStats2 - Family names of creators not displaying with appropriate capital letters


The good thing now is that we control the code hence the display of names so I'm happy fine-tuning Sets.pm until we have the expected results (I'm aware that different languages, even all romance, will have different rules and I'm not too sure how to handle this).

If you'd like, I could add a flag in the configuration which tells IRStats2 *not* to normalise names at all? There's a good reason for normalising names but if people know what they're doing and want it off, I'm happy with that.


On 02/06/14 14:07, Centro de Documentación wrote:
Hi Seb,

It works great but I have a little problem with some prepositions and
grammatical articles. Because lower case them are not always necessary
in spanish and portuguese.


De Dios, Juan Carlos (correct form) => de Dios, Juan Carlos (incorrect form)
de la Fuente, Andrea Silvia => De La Fuente, Andrea Silvia
Actis Di Santo, Ignacio Luis => Actis di Santo, Ignacio Luis

Is there a way to display the orginal creator's string without normalize?

Thanks your your help I really appreciate your efforts.


On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Sebastien Francois
<sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

Actually I'm getting different results on my machine (using the
name-parse module) but it's even worse that what you showed me.

So I've extracted some code from the "lingua-name-case" module and this
seems to work well on your examples.

The patch is there:

The complete file (Stats/Sets.pm) is there:

Could you give this a try on your data and let me know if it fixed your
