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Message: #03067

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[EP-tech] Re: IRStats2 - Family names of creators not displaying with appropriate capital letters


I see - re-reading that ticket, perhaps graingert's suggestion is the right one after all. I don't really like adding extra dependencies but because they are so many different rules to format a name, it's out-of-scope for irstats2.

I see that Lingua::EN::NameCase is available through apt-get (for ubunt'ers - liblingua-en-namecase-perl).

See my comments on https://github.com/eprints/irstats2/issues/6 - I added a patch for NameCase which worked nicely on my test machine.


On 23/05/14 17:08, Centro de Documentación wrote:

Yes. The patch only deals with given names:

Before applying the patch
Martínez robles, Juan pablo

Martínez robles, Juan Pablo


On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Sebastien Francois
<sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

Have you re-generated the sets after applying the patch?


PS: process_stats <id> --sets-only --verbose

On 22/05/14 18:29, Centro de Documentación wrote:
Hi guys,

This patch <https://github.com/eprints/irstats2/issues/6> doesn't
handle these variations:

López de Losa, Juan Carlos is displayed as López de losa, Juan Carlos
Martínez Ferreyra, José Luis => Martínez ferreyra, José Luis
de la Rosa, Federico Edgar => De la rosa, Federico Edgar

How can I fix that?



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