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Message: #02870
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[EP-tech] Re: RoMEO autocomplete
- To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
- Subject: [EP-tech] Re: RoMEO autocomplete
- From: Ian Stuart <Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk>
- Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 08:38:34 +0100
On 10/04/14 18:05, Gilles Fournié wrote:
Hi, We would like to add an autocompletion for the journal fields. As explained in the Wiki page http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Autocompletion_and_Authority_Files_%28Romeo_Autocomplete%29 we have downloaded and used the file found at http://romeo.eprints.org/romeo_journals.autocomplete. The solution works well. But we realized that the file romeo_journals.autocomplete is old. Its date is Jan 19, 2009. Of course, we checked its content and we noticed that journals we can find on the Sherpa/RoMEO website are not in the file. So, it seems it has not been updated for a while. Does anybody know if there is a plan to update it ? Or if we can find another one elsewhere ?
I have two files for you, which relate to the wiki page http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Adding_an_Auto-Completer_to_a_non-workflow_page
update_romeo_publishers lives in eprints/~~/bin and should be run daily - it creates a set of lookup files
get_journals lives in eprints/~~/cgi and is the bit that does the AJAX response stuff, using the files created above
-- Ian Stuart. Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team, EDINA, The University of Edinburgh. http://edina.ac.uk/ This email was sent via the University of Edinburgh. The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
use strict; use HTTP::Request; use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Twig; use File::Slurp; use EPrints; my $varpath = $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{base_path}.'/var/romeopub'; my $mapfile = "$varpath/map.txt"; my $pub_map = {}; open( MAP, $mapfile ) || die "can't read mapfile: $mapfile: $!"; while(<MAP>) { chomp; m/^(\d+) (.*)/; $pub_map->{$2} = $1; } close MAP; ######################### # Some global variables # ######################### my $journal_data = {}; ####################### # Various subroutines # ####################### sub urldecode{ my ($url) = @_; $url =~ s/%([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/pack("C",hex($1))/egi; $url =~ s/\x2B/ /; # swap '+' for ' ' return $url; } # XML::Twig's routine for dealing with a journal entry sub process_journal { my ( $twig, $journal ) = @_; # get the components my $title = urldecode( $journal->first_child('jtitle')->text ); my $zetoc = urldecode( $journal->first_child('zetocpub')->text ) if $journal->first_child('zetocpub'); my $romeo = urldecode( $journal->first_child('romeopub')->text ) if $journal->first_child('romeopub'); my $issn = urldecode( $journal->first_child('issn')->text ) if $journal->first_child('issn'); my $publisher = $romeo; $publisher = $zetoc if (not $publisher && $zetoc); my $conditions = qq(<div class='romeo_message'><div class='romeo_yellow_content'><table width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><img class='romeo_message_icon' src='/style/images/alert.png' alt='Archiving of pre- and post-prints is not as straight forward as it could be.'></td><td><div class='publishers'><div style='float:right; padding:5px; width: 10em'><img src='http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/images/romeotiny.jpg' alt='SHERPA/RoMEO logo' title='Record data from the SHERPA/RoMEO database' /><p style='font-size:75%;'>SHERPA/Romeo is a project that categorises publisher policies on OA archiving.</p></div> <p>The publishers conditions are not defined.</p></div></td></tr></table></div></div>); if( defined $pub_map->{$publisher} ) { my $fn = $varpath."/".$pub_map->{$publisher}.".xhtml"; $conditions = read_file($fn); } # build a lub of html based on the components my $html .= "<li>$title"; $html .= "<br />published by $publisher" if $publisher; $title = "" unless $title; $publisher = "" unless $publisher; $issn = "" unless $issn; $html .= "<ul>"; $html .= "<li id='for:value:component:_publication'>$title</li>"; $html .= "<li id='for:value:component:_publisher'>$publisher</li>"; $html .= "<li id='for:value:component:_issn'>$issn</li>"; $html .= "<li id='for:block:absolute:publisher_policy'>$conditions</li>"; $html .= "</ul></li>\n"; # save the html $journal_data->{$title} = $html; 1; } ## end process_journal # get a list of journals that match the query sub get_journals { my $journal = shift; my @html = (); if (!$journal) { return "<!-- No journal name supplied -->\n"; } return ("<ul><li>keep typing....</li></ul>") if (length($journal) < 3); $journal =~ s/([^a-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/ige; my $query = "http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/api29.php?qtype=starts&jtitle=$journal&ak=hC0DitNXMJA"; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "$query" ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $response = $ua->request($request); my $content = $response->content(); my $twig = XML::Twig->new( 'keep_encoding' => 1, 'TwigRoots' => { 'journals' => 1 }, 'TwigHandlers' => { 'journal' => \&process_journal, } ); $twig->parse($content); if (!scalar keys %{$journal_data}) { push @html, "<!-- no matches -->"; return (join "\n", @html) } push @html, "<ul class='journals'>\n"; foreach my $title (sort keys %{$journal_data}) { push @html, "$journal_data->{$title}\n"; } ## end of foreach my $title (sort keys %{$journal_data}) push @html, "</ul>\n"; return (join "\n", @html) } ## end get_journals my $session = EPrints::Session->new(); # we need the send an initial content-type print <<END; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> END # then we send the fragment of html for the autocompleter my $q = ""; $q = lc $session->param( "q" ); print get_journals( $q ); #print STDERR get_journals( $q ); $session->terminate;
#!/home/cpan/bin/perl -w -I/home/oarj/eprints/perl_lib use strict; use utf8; use HTTP::Request; use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Twig; use EPrints::SystemSettings; use Data::Dumper; my $publisher_data = {}; my $pub_map = {}; sub get_romeo_pub_ids { my $query = "http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/api.php?all=yes&ak=<your_key>"; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "$query" ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $response = $ua->request($request); my $content = $response->content(); my @contents = split /\n/, $content; my @pubids = (); foreach (@contents) { if( m/id="([0-9]+)"/ ) { push @pubids, $1; } }; warn ("pubids: ".scalar @pubids."\n"); if( scalar @pubids < 100 ) { die "urk, not enough pubids"; } return @pubids; } my %depositing = ( 'pre' => { 'can' => 'It permits archiving of preprints', 'cannot' => 'It prohibits archiving of preprints', 'restricted' => 'It permits OA archiving of preprints subject to restrictions (see below)', 'unclear' => 'Its policy on OA archiving of preprints is unclear. Please check the publisher policy (see link below)' }, 'post' => { 'can' => 'It permits archiving of postprints', 'cannot' => 'It prohibits archiving of postprints', 'restricted' => 'It permits OA archiving of postprints subject to restrictions (see below)', 'unclear' => 'Its policy on OA archiving of postprints is unclear. Please check the publisher policy (see link below)' } ); ##<strong>pre-print</strong> ####################### # Various subroutines # ####################### sub process_prints { my ($which, $print_twig) = @_; my $text; my $permission = $print_twig->first_child("${which}archiving")->text; my @restrictions = $print_twig->first_child("${which}restrictions")->children if $print_twig->first_child("${which}restrictions"); if ($permission) { $text = "<dl><dt>".$depositing{$which}{$permission}."</dt>\n"; if (scalar @restrictions) { $text .= "<dd>The publisher defines the following restriction:\n<ul>\n"; foreach my $restriction (@restrictions) { $text .= "<li>".$restriction->text."</li>\n"; } ## end of foreach restriction $text .= "</ul>\n</dd>\n"; } ## end of if scalar restrictions $text .= "</dl>\n"; } ## end of if $permission return $text; } # XML::Twig's routine for dealing with a journal entry sub process_publisher { my ( $twig, $publisher ) = @_; # get the components my ($pubid, $name, $homeurl, $romeocolour, $copyright, $alias, $permission); my @restrictions; $name = $publisher->first_child('name')->text; $pubid = $publisher->{att}->{id}; $pub_map->{$name} = $pubid; $homeurl = $publisher->first_child('homeurl')->text if $publisher->first_child('homeurl'); $romeocolour = $publisher->first_child('romeocolour')->text if $publisher->first_child('romeocolour'); $copyright = $publisher->first_child('copyright')->text if $publisher->first_child('copyright'); #$alias = $publisher->first_child('alias')->text if $publisher->first_child('alias'); my @conditions = $publisher->first_child('conditions')->children; my @mandates = $publisher->first_child('mandates')->children; # build a lump of html based on the data returned. my $html ; $html .= "<div class='romeo_message'>"; if ($romeocolour eq 'green') { $html .= "<div class='romeo_green_content'><table style='width:100%; border:1px solid blue;'><tbody><tr><td><img class='romeno_message_icon' src='/style/images/good.png' alt='Archiving of pre- and post-prints is permitted'>"; } elsif ($romeocolour eq 'red') { $html .= "<div class='romeo_orange_content'><table style='width:100%; border:1px solid red;'><tbody><tr><td><img class='romeo_message_icon' src='/style/images/warning.png' alt='Archiving of pre- and post-prints is not permitted'>"; } else { $html .= "<div class='romeo_yellow_content'><table style='width:100%; border:1px solid yellow;'><tbody><tr><td><img class='romeo_message_icon' src='/style/images/alert.png' alt='Archiving of pre- and post-prints is not as straight forward as it could be.'>"; } $html .= "</td><td><div class='publishers'>"; $html .= "<div style='float:right; padding:5px; width: 10em'><img src='http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/images/romeotiny.jpg' alt='SHERPA/RoMEO logo' title='Record data from the SHERPA/RoMEO database' /><p style='font-size:75%;'>SHERPA/Romeo is a project that categorises publisher policies on OA archiving.</p></div>\n"; $html .= "<p>This journal is published by "; if ($homeurl) { $html .= "<a href='$homeurl' title='Link to the publishers home page. NOTE: this will open a new window.' target='_new'>$name</a>."; } else { $html .= $name."." } #$html .= "<br />(this publisher is also known as $alias)" if ($alias); $html .= "<br />\nAccording to the Sherpa/Romeo database, the following conditions apply:</p><dl>"; $html .= "<dd>".process_prints('pre', $publisher->first_child('preprints'))."</dd>\n"; $html .= "<dd>".process_prints('post', $publisher->first_child('postprints'))."</dd>\n"; $html .= "</dl>\n"; # if we have any general conditions, we need to add them to the data-set if (scalar @conditions) { $html .= "<p>The publisher also defines the following general conditions</p>\n<dl>\n"; foreach my $condition (@conditions) { $html .= "<dd>".$condition->text."</dd>\n"; } ## end of foreach condition $html .= "</dl>\n"; }; ## end of if conditions if (scalar @mandates) { $html .= "<p>Juliet has records on the following mandates:</p>\n<dl>\n"; foreach my $mandate (@mandates) { my $funder = $mandate->first_child('funder'); my $julieturl = $funder->first_child('julieturl')->text; if ( $funder->first_child('funderacronym') ) { $html .= "<dd><a title='Opens new window.' href='$julieturl' onclick=\"dialog = window.open('$julieturl','dialogwindow','directories=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,taskbar=no,resizable=yes,location=no,status=no,toolbar=no;');dialog.focus(); return false\">".$funder->first_child('fundername')->text."'</a> (".$funder->first_child('funderacronym')->text.")</dd>\n"; } else { $html .= "<dd><a title='Opens new window.' href='$julieturl' onclick=\"dialog = window.open('$julieturl','dialogwindow','directories=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,taskbar=no,resizable=yes,location=no,status=no,toolbar=no;');dialog.focus(); return false\">".$funder->first_child('fundername')->text."</a></dd>\n"; } } $html .= "</dl>\n"; } $copyright =~ s/</</g if $copyright; $copyright =~ s/>/>/g if $copyright; # $html .= "<p>The publisher has given $copyright for their copyright references.</p>\n"; $html .= "</div>\n</td></tr></table>\n</div></div>"; # save the html $publisher_data->{$name} = $html; 1; } ## end process_journal # get a list of journals that match the query sub get_publisher { my $pubid = shift; my @html = (); if ($pubid) { my $query = "http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/api29.php?id=$pubid&ak=hC0DitNXMJA"; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "$query" ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $response = $ua->request($request); my $content = $response->content(); $publisher_data = {}; my $twig = XML::Twig->new( 'keep_encoding' => 1, 'TwigRoots' => { 'publishers' => 1 }, 'TwigHandlers' => { 'publisher' => \&process_publisher, } ); $twig->parse($content); if (scalar keys %{$publisher_data}) { foreach my $name (sort keys %{$publisher_data}) { push @html, "$publisher_data->{$name}\n"; } ## end of foreach my $name (sort keys %{$publisher_data}) } ## end of if (scalar keys %{$publisher_data}) ... } else { push @html, "<!-- No pubid name supplied -->\n"; } return (join "\n", @html) } ## end get_publisher my $path = $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{base_path}.'/var/romeopub'; foreach my $pub_id ( get_romeo_pub_ids() ) { open( PUBINFO, ">$path/$pub_id.xhtml" ) || die "failed to write"; print PUBINFO get_publisher($pub_id); close PUBINFO; } use Data::Dumper; open( PUBMAP, ">$path/map.txt" ) || die "failed to write map.pl"; foreach( keys %$pub_map ) { my $key = lc $pub_map->{$_}; print PUBMAP "$key $_\n"; } close PUBMAP;
- References:
- [EP-tech] Re: Summary page - available metadata
- From: Tommy Ingulfsen <tommy@library.caltech.edu>
- [EP-tech] Re: Summary page - available metadata
- From: Andrew Beeken <anbeeken@lincoln.ac.uk>
- [EP-tech] RoMEO autocomplete
- From: Gilles Fournié <gilles.fournie@cirad.fr>
- [EP-tech] Re: Summary page - available metadata
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