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Message: #02868

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[EP-tech] RoMEO autocomplete


We would like to add an autocompletion for the journal fields.

As explained in the Wiki page http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Autocompletion_and_Authority_Files_%28Romeo_Autocomplete%29 we have downloaded and used the file found at http://romeo.eprints.org/romeo_journals.autocomplete.

The solution works well.

But we realized that the file romeo_journals.autocomplete is old. Its date is Jan 19, 2009. Of course, we checked its content and we noticed that journals we can find on the Sherpa/RoMEO website are not in the file. So, it seems it has not been updated for a while.

Does anybody know if there is a plan to update it ? Or if we can find another one elsewhere ?

Thank you,
Best regards
Gilles Fournié