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Message: #02842

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[EP-tech] Search by creators email.

Hi Folks,

It used to be possible to search by eprnit creators email.  I had it working before on Eprints 3.3.x

However It no longer works - and this is very important for us as the email is the only way we can extract researcher-based metrics from the repository.

I wrote the page on it for the EPrints WIKI: http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Search.pl

The search results are inconsistent since upgrading to the most recent version.

Some emails work and others don't.  There seems to be no pattern, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Anyone else searching by email.  The eprint search page is here: 

E.g.  I should get a few papers for mharrison[at]wit[dot]ie and I don't, I just get hundreds of unrelated papers (Yes, he's on the first page of the results, but this could be coincidence).  For others such as jswells[at]wit[dot]ie there are no results.  Both authors have papers on our repo.  Many others, such as dkane[at]wit[dot]ie and rfinnegan[at]wit[dot]ie work as they should.

Any pointers - I am out of inspiration here.

Thanks in advance.


David Kane, MSc (Econ). ILS.
Systems Librarian
Waterford Institute of Technology
T: ++353.51302838
M: ++353.876693212