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Message: #02543

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints System Error : Error in file retrieval: failed to get file contents

Mathieu Perron <Mathieu_Perron <at> uqac.ca> writes:

> Hi Sebastien,
> I installed my ePrints repository with the apache user and if I stat my
> files I see the ownmer and group apache : apache for all my files (pdf,
> etc.). I'm really wondering what happened and how to fix this.  Our
> repository has been up for about 2 years and we never had this kind of
> Thank you for your help!
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I just found the solution to my problem.  I must have made an unintentional
move of the documents folder with filezilla because all the documents of my
repository were under the /html/ folder.  Silly me!  But I'm happy I could
correct the situation.

Thank you Sebastien for your help!