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Message: #02541

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints System Error : Error in file retrieval: failed to get file contents


Are you sure your files (archives/<id>/documents/....) are accessible to EPrints? Can you stat ("ls") them from a terminal as the 'eprints' user or as whatever user EPrints is running as?

That error is pretty much what it says - eprints/the storage layer can't read the file content. And if you get as far as getting that message, your DB records are OK, auth was successful etc.

J'espere que tu arriveras a resoudre ce probleme,

On 23/01/14 18:11, Mathieu Perron wrote:
Hi all,

My ePrints repository is giving me the same message :

EPrints System Error  Error in file retrieval: failed to get file contents

on every file I try to download.  Everything was running smoothly just
yesterday and I haven't touched anything.  Can someone help me to try and
resolve this issue?

Thank you and have a nice day!

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