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Message: #02535

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[EP-tech] Re: Search, for partial matches

On 21/01/14 16:23, Ian Stuart wrote:
On 21/01/14 16:17, Sebastien Francois wrote:
Also how stuff is searched/indexed is defined in the metafield classes
(e.g. look at MetaField/Email::get_index_codes) - look what's in your
foo__rindex table to see what has been indexed.
Nope - of type text.
how does one create an indexed field?

{ name => "email", type => "text", required => 1, text_index => 1 }
Correct - "text_index" is not even needed since MetaField/Text.pm sets
"text_index" to true by default.
Hmmm.... so what creates the index table?

I've restarted the web server, run

~/eprints/bin/epadmin update_database_structure broker

and restarted the indexer

... but I'm not seeing postcards__rindex as a table (postcards & 
postcards__ordervalues_en.... but neither __rindex or __index tables

EPrints does - it may be that your dataset is not set as "indexable" which would explain why you're missing the __*index* tables - does your dataset definition contains a "index" => 1 property, as per this example:

        user => {
                sqlname => "user",
                class => "EPrints::DataObj::User",
                import => 1,
                index => 1,
                datestamp => "joined",

