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Message: #02533

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[EP-tech] Re: Search, for partial matches

On 21/01/14 16:02, Ian Stuart wrote:
On 21/01/14 15:44, Sebastien Francois wrote:
Perhaps your email field is of type "email" or "id" in which case an
exact match is performed?

Try setting the "match" parameter to "IN" in your search (match is the
3rd argument of ->add_field)

Also how stuff is searched/indexed is defined in the metafield classes
(e.g. look at MetaField/Email::get_index_codes) - look what's in your
foo__rindex table to see what has been indexed.
Nope - of type text.
how does one create an indexed field?

{ name => "email", type => "text", required => 1, text_index => 1 }

Correct - "text_index" is not even needed since MetaField/Text.pm sets "text_index" to true by default.

Hm... have you looked at what's in the index tables for your dataset/field?