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Message: #02286

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[EP-tech] Re: A specific eprint doesn't get indexed

Also worth a quick check – does the ‘metadata_visibility’ flag on the eprint have the value set to ‘show’?  (this should be in the other defined fields section of the admin view of the eprint, and as a field in the ‘eprint’ table.  If this is set to ‘no_search’ then the item won’t appear in normal searches, browse views etc.




From: Sebastien Francois [mailto:sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk]
Sent: 11 October 2013 09:54
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: A specific eprint doesn't get indexed


Hi Francis,

I notice your repository is not using the Xapian search engine - if you wish to use it, check this out: http://wiki.eprints.org/w/New_Features_in_EPrints_3.3#Search_engine_plugins

If not, you may:

1- look at the indexer logs for errors on that eprint (var/indexer.log)

2- look at the eprint__* tables in the database to see if there are any index codes for that eprint

3- try "reindex" with verbose and let us know of any errors/warnings


On 11/10/13 09:19, franc@library.iisc.ernet.in wrote:

I have noticed that a specific eprint, http://eprints.iisc.ernet.in/47379/
id not getting indexed. Repeated attempts to re-index it using the command, 
bin/epadmin reindex repoid eprint 47379 is not helping. The only way this 
item can be retrieved is through the admin->search items->Username 
How do I get this item indexed so that it can retrieved through the simple 
and advanced searches?
Many thanks for your attention.
  - Francis
JRD Tata Library
Bangalore, India


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