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Message: #01760

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints for Journals

Thanks for replying, but every year a new edition/ volume of our journal is released. So if we mention date in field it would sort as per the date of publication of the original article. It might not match with the year in which we include the article in our journal. So how can we modify the code such that the journals are sorted according to the editions/ volumes n not just the the date ?

Abhigna B

On Mar 19, 2013 3:58 PM, "Tim Brody" <tdb2@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
On Mon, 2013-03-18 at 19:52 +0530, Abhigna Bandi wrote:
> Sir,
> We are working on setting up a repository for our institution. As a
> part of the project we want to make our institutional journal
> (Spectrum) available according to the volumes it is published in.
> Every year a new journal is published.
>     So i would like to know how can we set the views such that the
> navigation would be in this way :
>    Spectrum --> year --> acticles ( in that particular year)
> Also, following the instructions in a few documentations tried to
> search for the views.xml file. But it is not available
> in /usr/share/eprints3/archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/lang/en/phrases/views.xml. So coould you please help us resolve this.
> Regards,
> Abhigna B


Do you mean publishing the journal through your Institutional EPrints?

You can add a "filters" to the view configuration that would allow you
to only show SPECTRUM articles in that view. Something like this:

$c->{browse_views} = [
                filters => [
                        { meta_fields => [qw( issn )], value => '0000-0000', },
                id => "spectrum_year",
                order => "date",
                menus => [
                                fields => [qw( date;res=year )],
                                reverse_order => 1,
                                allow_null => 1,
                                new_column_at => [10, 10]

(If you have an ISSN for your journal.)

All the best,

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