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Message: #01756

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints for Journals

On Mon, 2013-03-18 at 19:52 +0530, Abhigna Bandi wrote:
> Sir,
> We are working on setting up a repository for our institution. As a
> part of the project we want to make our institutional journal
> (Spectrum) available according to the volumes it is published in.
> Every year a new journal is published. 
>     So i would like to know how can we set the views such that the
> navigation would be in this way :
>    Spectrum --> year --> acticles ( in that particular year) 
> Also, following the instructions in a few documentations tried to
> search for the views.xml file. But it is not available
> in /usr/share/eprints3/archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/lang/en/phrases/views.xml. So coould you please help us resolve this.
> Regards,
> Abhigna B


Do you mean publishing the journal through your Institutional EPrints?

You can add a "filters" to the view configuration that would allow you
to only show SPECTRUM articles in that view. Something like this:

$c->{browse_views} = [
		filters => [
			{ meta_fields => [qw( issn )], value => '0000-0000', },
		id => "spectrum_year",
		order => "date",
		menus => [
				fields => [qw( date;res=year )],
				reverse_order => 1,
				allow_null => 1,
				new_column_at => [10, 10]

(If you have an ISSN for your journal.)

All the best,

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