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Message: #01614

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[EP-tech] Re: Search eprints from external site.

On Fri, 2013-02-22 at 11:15 +0000, Abdul Bashet wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to develop a plugin for a (Virtual Learning Environment)VLE
> which will search for eprints with some keywords and from the list of
> results user will select the repository to make the link to his post
> in the VLE.
> Please help me some one; How can I send a request to a eprints with
> some keyword and get a results with list of eprints repository?
> I am not familiar with perl, I will make the necessary scripts by php.
> I am expecting if there is any service/example like SWORD that will
> very helpful for me.


As a basic approach you can get an export from a search result. Using
ROAR as an example:


i.e. replace _action_search with _action_export and output={PluginID}
with the format you want (depends on what plugins you have installed).

This isn't an official API but has been stable for many years ... new
versions of EPrints will formalise this using the OpenSearch API

All the best,

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