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Message: #01613

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[EP-tech] Re: Oai-pmh english output

Am 22.02.2013 11:27, schrieb Tim Brody:
On Thu, 2013-02-21 at 09:47 +0100, Paolo Tealdi wrote:
Dear all,

we are managing to become  open-aire  and some other italian harvester compliant.
We notice that default DC:type attribute is set in italian language (our default eprints lang).
I think that this is not correct. I think that ~/cgi/oai script should force english language.
The code could be this :

In ~/archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/cfg.d/oai.pl add

$oai->{v2}->{lang} = "en";

In ~/cgi/oai add

if ( my $lang = $repo->config( "oai","v2","lang" )) {
    $repo->change_lang( $lang);

My .02 (euro)cents


(First of all, thanks Tim for the solution concerning longer name components, works great.)


But, given OAI-PMH builds on HTTP a harvester should probably set
"Accept-Language", which would cause EPrints to generate metadata in the
most-appropriate language for the client.

Something I hadn't considered before now.

OpenAIRE requires DRIVER standard, according to which at least one dc:type must be one of literal 'book', 'bookPart', 'article' and so on. In how to display these types we as the repository provider are supposed to choose human-readable names and descriptions, but for machines and the sake of standard compliancy the technically language-neutral unique labels (the raw values from cfg/namedsets/eprint which must accord therefore to DRIVER) have to be used in an unmodified way to allow simple matching. Can OAI_DC be configured to achieve that or do we have to derive our customised class from it?

Best regards
F Heß

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