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Message: #01502

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[EP-tech] advice on creating a virtual DataObj

Hi ePrints folk,


We’re setting up a new ePrints repository on a slightly mangled 3.2.7 core, and in this repo we’re focusing on the isPartOf relation, setting up special EPrint objects as “collections” and relating other “real” EPrints as part of those collections.


Currently I’m attempting to pretty up the search interface in two ways: replace the collection EPrint id in the search summary with a descriptive name, and replace the form field renderer to use a select-list, both similarly to how subjects currently work.


My current thought is to create a light DataObj that wraps an EPrint – limited to a very small set of EPrint ids, probably defined in config files and without ever writing to the database – and an associated MetaField.


Does anyone on the list have any advice or suggestions, or foresee any issues that I might encounter?




Matthew Kerwin  |Web Developer|  Applications & Development Team  |  Library eServices  |  Queensland University of Technology  |  Level 3, R Block, Kelvin Grove  |  ph 3138 3910  |  matthew.kerwin@qut.edu.au  |  CRICOS No 00213J