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Message: #01501

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[EP-tech] Re: Documentation error in RepositoryConfig.pm

On Wed, 2013-01-30 at 10:50 +0000, John Salter wrote:
> Hi,
> This was noted by Graham at Symplecitc:
> https://svn.eprints.org/eprints/trunk/system/perl_lib/EPrints/RepositoryConfig.pm, line 34, the example usage uses ${$params{rc}}.
> This is displayed on the Wiki:
> http://wiki.eprints.org/w/API:EPrints/RepositoryConfig

Fixed and, yes, the confusion arises because most code does:

my $rc = $params{return_code};
$$rc = 301; # or whatever

This kludge is because the return from the callback is the *trigger*
code (OK or DONE), which controls whether more triggers should be

Given the number of times this has bitten me I'd probably think of a
different solution now :-)


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