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Message: #01398

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[EP-tech] Re: Easydeposit and EPrints.

Thanks Ian,

That helped a lot. 

Now I am able to deposit, but the problem is now that the file is not unpacking on the EPrints side.  I am having this problem with DemoPrints also.

Any suggestions?  Is there a packager that I should be using somewhere that is appropriate for eprints.  Currently it is just creating a .ZIP of the METS.xml and the document itself.

All the best,


On 14 December 2012 16:08, Ian Stuart <Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
Aha - nice and easy, this one.... you have a few possibles:

1) make the whole directory tree below
/usr/share/eprints3/archives/witeprints/documents/ readable by the
apache server (mainly by setting group permissions), or

2) edit perl_lib/EPrints/SystemSettings.pm and set 'file_perms' &
'dir_perms' to make EPrints create globally read/write-able data

The other one it could have been would be the temporary unpacking -
however that tends to be into /tmp - so is not normally a problem :)

On 14/12/12 15:47, David Kane wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> I am not sure what the x-noop flag is, but I am getting this error
> message in the apache log for my EPrints installation:
> Failed to mkdir
> /usr/share/eprints3/archives/witeprints/documents/disk0/00/00/21/31:
> Permission denied
> Unable to write to
> /usr/share/eprints3/archives/witeprints/documents/disk0/00/00/21/31/01/329137284.zip:
> No such file or directory


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


This email was sent via the University of Edinburgh.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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David Kane, MLIS.
Systems Librarian
Waterford Institute of Technology
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