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Message: #01370

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[EP-tech] Re: What is 'saved_search_fieldname_pos'?

On Mon, 2012-12-10 at 09:32 +0000, Allan Leck Jensen wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> The page for Saved searches contains a table with information about the
>  saved searches. In one of the column headers there is a message that
>  the phrase 'saved_search_fieldname_pos' has not been defined (see
>  attached screendump). None of the saved searches has information in
>  that column (it says 'UNSPECIFIED'), and it doesn't seem to be
>  possible when you save a search to specify any information, that could
>  be shown in the column.
> Does anyone know either what the column should be used for, or how to
>  remove it, also from the filter?


That is a missing phrase for the 'pos' field in the saved_searches

It looks like 'pos' isn't actually used, so you're seeing a bit of
legacy code poking its nose out there.

The following patch removes the 'pos' field and defaults the table to
only showing id and name:

There isn't a configurable way to control the columns shown on that

Tim Brody

EPrints Lead Developer
Web and Internet Science Group
University of Southampton, UK

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