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Message: #01365

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[EP-tech] What is 'saved_search_fieldname_pos'?

Dear everyone,

The page for Saved searches contains a table with information about the saved searches. In one of the column headers there is a message that the phrase 'saved_search_fieldname_pos' has not been defined (see attached screendump). None of the saved searches has information in that column (it says 'UNSPECIFIED'), and it doesn't seem to be possible when you save a search to specify any information, that could be shown in the column.

Does anyone know either what the column should be used for, or how to remove it, also from the filter?

Kind regards

Allan Leck Jensen
Senior scientist

Tel.: +45 8715 7776
Mobile: +45 2216 1662 
Email: AllanL.Jensen@agrsci.dk

Dept. of Engineering
Aarhus University
Blichers Allé 20, Postboks 50
DK-8830 Tjele

Tel.: +45 8715 6000
Web: www.agrsci.dk

Attachment: screendump.png
Description: screendump.png