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Message: #01223

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[EP-tech] Indexer process chokes mysql after repository launch


I'd be very glad if someone help me, please.

After launching our EPrints repository with a migrated collection of about 12500 documents, the indexer sent to mysql a monstrous query at a time I'd already called it a day and didn't leave any processes running and any succeeding queries would remain locked until the connection limit of mysql was reached (300 conns). Guess simply setting the limit to, say, 1000 will not really solve the problem?

The relevant mysql process_list entry is attached. What is wrong? I think it is unlikely (and I hope it's not this) that it is the number of eprints as the fulltexts were available for a couple of weeks before launch. It is more likely that it has to do with EPrints repository being unlocked for the public, is it?

Additional by-problem: We consider it a major security risk that EPrints sends sensible information to the client. How to deactivate that one for all? (notwithstanding appropriate logging)

EPrints System Error

Error connecting to MySQL server: Too many connections. To fix this increase max_connections in my.cnf:


Kind regards,
Florian Heß

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