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Message: #01222

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[EP-tech] Person URI generation

For RDF output, Eprints uses the script: lib/cfg.d/rdf_uri_person.pl

to convert an existing person id to a URI with the line:

return "epid:person/ext-".$person->{id};

This doesn't take into account the possible use of existing person URIs as the person id in the metadata, e.g. if using a Names URI or one produced by any other identity service such as ORCID.

I think that rdf_uri_person.pl needs to be altered to first check if the $person->{id} value is already a usable URI.

Best wishes,

Phil Cross
Applications Developer

5th Floor
Roscoe Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Rd
M21 2RL

email: philip.cross@manchester.ac.uk