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Message: #01079

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[EP-tech] Re: Is IRStats 1.0.3 compatible with EPrints 3.3.10?

Il 13/09/2012 13:44, Sebastien Francois ha scritto:
It is a totally different version actually so not technically an upgrade
(for instance you could have the two running in parallel).


PS: a demo of the current "beta" version is there:
http://files.eprints.org/cgi/stats/report - but this is still work in
progress :-)


Any on visitors? ( keywords by search engines, ip localization,..). What about per document statistics? :)

On 13/09/12 12:39, Tian, Jia wrote:
Hello Seb,

Thank you very much for the kind information. Would it be difficult to upgrade to the new version from 1.0.3?

Best Wishes,

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