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Message: #01078

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[EP-tech] Re: Is IRStats 1.0.3 compatible with EPrints 3.3.10?


Will it be possible to configure the new IRStats under All Items to include with Authors and Item Type in the dropdown box, Institutions,  Departments, Divisions (or in our case Issuing Agency with stats produced for a specific Issuing Agency)?

I appreciate we are looking at work in progress, but would be good to know if this option will be available.

thanks  Pauline

-----Original Message-----
From: Sebastien Francois <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
To: eprints-tech <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Sent: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 12:58
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Is IRStats 1.0.3 compatible with EPrints 3.3.10?

It is a totally different version actually so not technically an upgrade 
(for instance you could have the two running in parallel).


PS: a demo of the current "beta" version is there: 
http://files.eprints.org/cgi/stats/report - but this is still work in 
progress :-)

On 13/09/12 12:39, Tian, Jia wrote:
> Hello Seb,
> Thank you very much for the kind information. Would it be difficult to upgrade 
to the new version from 1.0.3?
> Best Wishes,
> Jia

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