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Message: #00925

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[EP-tech] Searching in EP3.2

Confused here.... I'm trying to restrict a search, and it's returning 0 results when it should return 19:

This works:

  my $dsd = $session->get_repository->get_dataset("dark_archive");
  my $searchexp2 = EPrints::Search->new(
                                      satisfy_all => 1,
                                      session     => $session,
                                      dataset     => $dsd,
                                     );    # dark archive
  $searchexp2->add_field($dsd->get_field("special_field"),  'FALSE');
  $searchexp2->add_field($dsd->get_field("special_field2"), '');
  my $results2 = $searchexp2->perform_search;
  my $count = $results2->count;
  print "$count records to check\n";
  foreach my $epid (sort @{$results2->ids})
    my $ep = $dso->dataobj($epid);
    next unless $ep->value("field3") eq 'Foo Bar';
    ## do stuff

... this produces 19 results
(notice the 'next' statement in the foreach loop.... a wasteful way of doing things.)

When I try:

  my $dsd = $session->get_repository->get_dataset("dark_archive");
  my $searchexp2 = EPrints::Search->new(
                                      satisfy_all => 1,
                                      session     => $session,
                                      dataset     => $dsd,
                                     );    # dark archive
  $searchexp2->add_field($dsd->get_field("special_field"), 'FALSE');
  $searchexp2->add_field($dsd->get_field("special_field2"), '');
  $searchexp2->add_field($dsd->get_field("field3"), 'Foo bar');
  my $results2 = $searchexp2->perform_search;
  my $count = $results2->count;
  print "$count records to check\n";
  foreach my $epid (sort @{$results2->ids})
    my $ep = $dso->dataobj($epid);
    ## do stuff

... this produces 0 results!



Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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