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Message: #00924

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[EP-tech] Re: Custom View Item Renderer


It sounds like your custom view code is returning the wrong thing. When you create XML you need to return an element or documentfragment (*not* Document). These are from:

$repo->xml->create_element( "tagname", attr => "bang" );

Posting your code may be informative!

All the best,

On 01/08/12 02:55, Edwards, Robin wrote:

Hi all,


I have a relatively new installation of version of 3.3.6 and have implemented a custom menu renderer.  Now I am attempting to use the example item renderer (render_view_item_3col_boxes) and running into “Can't import Documents! at /opt/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/XML.pm line 316” on first use (without any customisations). 


It seems to run into the error when trying to use the clone function (line 316 perl_lib/EPrints/XML.pm) on the $block variable (line 672 perl_lib/EPrints/Update/Views.pm).


I attempted just returning simple strings (in a custom function) but still no dice.  I can’t seem to locate what Is actually going wrong or where else I should be looking.  Any advice would be appreciated.








Robin Edwards, Computer Systems Officer, Information Technology & Resources

James Cook University, Townsville QLD 4811 AUSTRALIA

P +61 7 4781 5846 

E robin.edwards@jcu.edu.au


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