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Message: #00822

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[EP-tech] Re: Upgrading from 3.0.5

Thanks, I will try that!

Jan Ploski

Sebastien Francois wrote:
Hi Jan,

If  I were you, I'd do a test upgrade on a local copy of your
repository. The update command that comes with eprints (bin/epadmin
update<id>  after installing the new files) should just work (for the
database, it will apply all changes between versions).

If you have any custom code, you may need to refactor them to use the
3.3 API.

Last but not least, make sure your cfg directory is up to date with the
latest pl files (eg. diff lib/defaultcfg/ with archives/<id>/cfg).


On 01/07/12 12:57, Jan Ploski wrote:

What is the recommended path for upgrading from EPrints 3.0.5 to the
newest stable version for a fairly large repository (>   50000 documents)?

I can see the following options:

1) Apply all the minor upgrades in order:

3.1.0->3.2.0->3.2.1->3.2.2->3.2.3->3.2.4->3.2.5->   3.2.6->3.2.7->3.2.8->3.2.9

2) Apply just the major version upgrades:


3) Install the newest version from scratch, then export/import all
documents (and apply customizations)

Which of these options are feasible? Which are the safest and which
would take the least amount of effort?

Jan Ploski
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