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Message: #00763

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[EP-tech] Re: MePrints

On 19/06/12 16:58, Centro de Documentación wrote:
Hi Patrick,

I don't know how to create a user set in IRStats.

In file irstats.cgi I added this:

set_ids = divisions, subjects, creators_name, user
"userid" not "user" -> it's the name of the field in the eprint dataset.

then you need to regenerate the stats.

but I think I need to do something else.

I looked the z_meprints.pl but I didn't understand it at all. Sorry,
I'm a novel user.

What are you trying to do / understand?

I want to show user info + user scientific output widgets (not user
deposit) on meprints profiles.

Start by copying an existing widget (Plugins/MePrints/Widgets/) and then you need to implement the render() method to display stuff.
