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Message: #00737

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[EP-tech] MePrints

Hi guys,

Can someone help me with this request. I sent it, some time ago.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:00 AM


I have a repository running both MePrints (1.4.2) and IRStats (1.0.3).
However, if I include the IRStats widget in MePrints, it doesn't show
anything. The widget screen is empty. I'm sure that some of the items
were downloaded.

Other questions about MePrints:

Is it possible to match user_id with creators_id/editors_id to create
a meprints profile?

Something like user_id -> creators_id/editors_id -> view top ten items
/ view downloads

I mean, what happens with coauthors papers or delegated
archive/mediated deposit? (one eprints user, multiple creators)
In many cases, users/depositers are very different from creators?

Thanks in advance,
