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Message: #00393

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[EP-tech] Re: Upgrading from EPrints 3.2.8 to 3.3.8 -- indexing slowed to a crawl

On Sun, 2012-04-15 at 08:43 +0100, Alex Birchall wrote:
> Hi,
> I have upgraded a repository containing just over 7000 items from 3.2.8
>  to 3.3.8.  After the upgrade command, an indexing process started
>  going through the records one at a time.  This started out looking as
>  if it would only take 30 minutes or so, but 12 hours later, the
>  indexing process has got to record 6615, and appears to be taking
>  several minutes to index one record.
> Life's too short for this!  Is there any way of terminating the
>  indexing process gracefully and recommencing later?

It would be useful to know whether the indexer is stuck or spinning on a
complex job.

Under Manage Records -> Tasks you can see the list of queued tasks.
Filter it to show "inprogress" items to see what the indexer is running.

To cleanly stop:
./bin/indexer stop

Otherwise kill the process which will leave the broken jobs in an
"inprogress" or "failed" state.


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