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Message: #00392

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[EP-tech] Re: eprints and vufind

Thanks Stefano.
I think I finally figured out the issue with xslt.I had installed php,mysql,apache using xampp in my windows xp machine ( it is a dev envirnment). For some reason the line extension = php_xsl.dll  is not included in the php.ini file  when installed through xampp although the file php_xsl.dll actually exists in the php\ext directory.Once I added this line and restarted apache, it is working fine.
However now I am trying to figure out how to assign unique ids to xml that are harvested from eprints. I think my xml are not getting indexed because they do not have unique ids that vufind recognizes.
I have discussed this in the vufind list as well.


----- Original Message -----
From: Stefano Cecere <stefano.cecere@krur.com>
Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 4:48 pm
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: eprints and vufind
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk

On 11/apr/2012, at 11:30, Ranju Upadhyay wrote:

Thanks Stefano.I also tried to do the same thing i.e. use the xslt of dsapce to transform eprints data.But I get an error of  "XSLT processor not found".And I have the same error when I click the "staff view" on vufind interface on the detail page of search result.

I can get the data from eprints but can't get it imported because of this.

Looks like there is no XSLT processor. I had installed php via xampp.I am wondering if it did not install the xsl extension ( no such line as extension = php_xsl.dll in my php.ini).How can I get it to do that now?

as far as i know, the php_xsl extesnion is required!

sudo apt-get -y install php5 php5-dev php-pear php5-ldap php5-mysql php5-xsl php5-pspell php5-gd


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