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Message: #00364

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[EP-tech] IRstats in abstacts pages, and loading the "dashboard"

[EPrints 3.2.0, Solaris, non-root install]

I'm trying to get IRstats to appear where I want it, and I've got three problems:

Problem 1)
I can make a graph appear on the front page... but I can't make two DIFFERENT graphs appear on the front page (in index.xpage for http://devel.edina.ac.uk:1201/):

<p style="font-size:150%; padding:0; margin: 0">Download figures for all papers.</p>
<div class="clearfix">
<div style="float:left">
<!--#include virtual="/cgi/irstats.cgi?page=get_view2&IRS_epchoice=All&IRS_datechoice=period&period=-12m&view=MonthlyDownloadsGraph" -->
<div style="float:right">
<!--#include virtual="/cgi/irstats.cgi?page=get_view2&IRS_epchoice=All&IRS_datechoice=period&period=-12m&view=DailyDownloadsGraph" -->

Problem 2)
I can't make anything appear on the abstract pages for items.
I have modified archives/{REPO_ID}/cfg/cfg.d/eprint_render.pl as per the install file:

  if( !$preview )
    if ($session->get_repository->can_call('irstats_abstract_content
               'irstats_abstract_content', $session, $eprint
$session->plugin( "Export::Simple" )->dataobj_to_html_header( $eprint ) ); $links->appendChild( $session->plugin( "Export::DC" )->dataobj_to_html_header( $eprint ) );

and un-commented

$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::IRStatsItemSummary"}->{appears}->{summary_bottom} = 1000;

in archives/{REPO_ID}/cfg/cfg.d/irstats.pl

.... but nothing is appearing

Problem 3)
I have the "IRStats" menu item, however all it does is call http://devel.edina.ac.uk:1201/cgi/users/home?screen=Statistics - and not cgi/irstats.cgi (I know the EPrints::Plugin::Screen::Statistics is running, because I am logging what $link is set to ('/cgi/irstats.cgi')

Any clues?


Ian Stuart.
Developer: Open Access Repository Junction and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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