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Message: #00363

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[EP-tech] Re: LDAP / CAS / EPrints::DataObj::User ?

Il 05/04/2012 15:16, Bernd Diekmann ha scritto:

we are building up EPrints 3.3.8, which should work with our CAS
(Single Sign On). The howto's for CAS and LDAP for the definition
of a function 'current_user' are very helpful, but the method of
DataObj::User i.e.
     $new_user = EPrints::DataObj::User::create($self, 'user');
seems not to work as expected, this statement produces many userids
(type "user") without any attribute (without any ...->commit() !)
or dies without any error in the errorlog.

Has anyone experiences adapting CAS or LDAP under Eprints 3.3.n or a
function 'current_user' ?

I think a good approach could be to use this:


so you avoid to do modification to Eprints and use the apache auth module to handle auth&attributes. Also means that switching/upgrading can be easier.