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Message: #00246

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[EP-tech] T&Cs

Apologies for cross posting …


Following Charles Oppenheim's RSP webinar on copyright we are looking at implementing Terms and Conditions at the point of full-text upload for the Kent Academic Repository as KAR is moving toward a self-deposit model. And in order to do so we need to look at ways to limit the liablity of the University against copyrighted material being hosted on KAR.

What we are proposing is some sort of forced T&Cs tickbox at the point of upload which states that the depositor is sure the full-text upload is not a breach of copyright.

We seek input on the following problems this raises:

 - Have other repositories implemented similar T&Cs?
 - How have T&Cs been worded so as not to discourage full-text uploads?
 - Does functionality to make this a forced option (much like the requirement to agree to T&Cs before installing software for instance) exist with in EPrints?

All thoughts appreciated.

