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Message: #00012

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints for Windows?

On 24/02/2012 15:06, Tim Brody wrote:
i, I've added an .msi bundle to 3.3.8
Thanks, I'm downloading it now.
Can you provide a link to that Ball State report?
That said, most people end up running a Linux-based virtual machine under a Windows server. It tends to be less trouble, compared to trying to get all of the dependencies working under Windows.
I was toying with the idea, but I want to try it first on my laptop without having to install a virtual machine platform and then Linux. I had tried a while ago with an older version, it was quite impossible to do because it installed in default locations and/or assumed that other software was in default locations with no way to specify alternatives. I haven't had that kind of problems in years of installing free software, I must say.

All the best,