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Message: #00006

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[EP-tech] EPrints for Windows?


I have been quite interested in testing (and maybe using, if successful) EPrints for a large scientific international community (I have been running for free their web site and collective proceedings for 12 years now and wish to have a better infrastructure for the latter). However, as the platform I have to install it on is Windows, I am quite puzzled at not being able to find an adequate distribution:
  • In the Wiki documenting how to install Eprints on Windows, it says "This feature requires EPrints version 3.2.1".
  • In the download section, there is a 2008 Eprints 3.0 installer, which is the most recent one listed there.
  • A 2009 report from  Ball State University Libraries details why this is obsolete and can't be installed.
  • The enquiries I sent to email addresses found on the wiki bounced.

Does anyone know if there is a valid, working, distribution for Windows?
