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Message: #10055

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Re: [EP-tech] Creators, authors, editors names

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Thank you for helping me to reflect on this. I have been looking very closely at the folders you mention and the resources you suggest. I'm sure I could adapt the code to not have 'and' between every author. What bothered me was that I had not previously noticed this behaviour. I assumed that the software would not have been set up to create malformed citations, and that my tweaks must somehow have knocked a hole in the code somewhere. I wanted to ascertain whether this was a simple repair to the installation or where the citation of multiple authors was normally incorrect! 

Does anyone know whether the 'creators_names' comes from the input workflow or the citation modules? I'm worried about undoing perfectly good coding and the cumulative effects of changing basic routines! 

Best wishes 


From: eprints-tech-request@ecs.soton.ac.uk <eprints-tech-request@ecs.soton.ac.uk> on behalf of Andrew M <eprints-tech@unitedgames.co.uk>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2025 4:12:13 PM
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: [EP-tech] Creators, authors, editors names
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

I recall from when I worked at EPrints, there were templates
specifically for citations,
that governed how authors were presented.

I've completely forgotten what files these were and where, so will
look it up for you again now.

Okay - looking at my own installation, there appear to be system
citation templates in the ...
and flavour level citation templates in the...

When I look at the past work I did on a possible improvement to
citations with orcid IDs in them,
I see I put some custom citation templates in...
...so presumably that implies you could copy...
...to your own...
...and then edit it away from there, and hopefully it'll work (may
have to restart apache)?

Do I really know what I'm talking about?
Erm, might be worth watching the youtube channel again for a recap:
...hmm...that video features a brief mention of the two system
directories, and advice to make your own copy to edit rather than edit
the system ones.

But yeah, generally, this is a quick reply off the top of my head, and
I haven't checked the paths I've mentioned for typos - so double check
all this with another source like the EPrints Wiki - but the key thing
you're likely looking to change are citation templates for EPrint
records, and armed with that knowledge, you may be able to find your
answers more easily by searching for citation-related stuff.

If you've already got your xml template, and are just trying to figure
out how to edit the templates,
these are some great resources here:





Quoting Will Hughes <w.p.hughes@reading.ac.uk>:

> CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
> CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
> Hi
> Sorry to jump in again. First, thank you to those who have helped me
> with my configuration of my metadata catalogue. It has been quite a
> task but it now works (mostly!)
> The puzzle I have been wrestling with today, I am getting no closer
> to solving. It occurs in all citations, in editing, in view, in
> browsing and in search results. Every multiple-authored item (3+) in
> my repo is showing all names separated by 'and' instead of by
> commas. One and Two-author papers show correctly.
> I have looked through dozens of .pl, .pm and .xml files, but I
> cannot find where the routine is that would deal with this, and I'm
> worried that something may have got deleted or removed by mistake...
> Can anyone help, please?
> Best wishes
> Will
> ____