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Re: [EP-tech] Remove "Divisions" from browse

Hi Will,

If you are talking about links to the browse view from the main menu under "Browse -> Browse by Division" that comes packaged in the standard template.  This will be under:


You want to copy this  (if it does not already exist) to you archive's cfg/lang/en/templates directory (you will probably have to create the directory and possibly some of its parent directories first).  You also probably want to do the same for the default_internal.xml template.  Better, still if you don't want these to vary, then create a synlink:

cd EPRINTS_PATH/archives/ARCHIVE_ID/cfg/lang/en/templates/

ln -s default.xml default_internal.xml

If your problem is that the browse view is still appearing under https://HOSTNAME/view/ then if the browse view is not needed at all you should comment out the configuration block for this view in your archive's cfg/cfg.d/views.pl or copy EPRINTS_PATH/flavours/pub_lib/cfg/cfg.d/views.pl to your archive's cfg/cfg.d/ directory before editing.  However, if you want the view but don't want it publicly discoverable, then you can set the attribute "nolink => 1," under the configuration block for that view.

If you have either copied the template files to the archive or modified the views.pl configuration you will need to reload Apache.  Before doing this make sure you have not broken the configuration:

EPRINTS_PATH/bin/epadmin test

apachectl graceful

If you have changed the configuration you will also need to run refresh_views:

EPRINTS_PATH/bin/epadmin refresh_views ARCHIVE_ID

If you have completely removed a view, stale view pages will still be cached and EPrints will have no way to know that they need to be removed.  So if you still see them you should make sure all the files under EPRINTS_PATH/archives/ARCHIVE_ID/html/en/views/VIEW_ID are deleted E.g.

rm -rf EPRINTS_PATH/archives/ARCHIVE_ID/html/en/views/divisions


David Newman

On 25/02/2025 16:32, Will Hughes wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.



There is a configuration aspect that I have spent several hours searching for, and I can find no hints. Anything that comes near in the manual is usually on pages about 10-15 years old, and the folder structures have changed a lot, I guess.


It seemed simple enough. Is there any way that I can edit the header bar at the top of every page? I simply want to remove “Divisions” from the Browse options. I have achieved this on the actual Browse page, but it is embedded somewhere that generates the (?) wrapper of every page.


Has anyone edited the basic layout?


Best wishes




Will Hughes

Emeritus Professor of Construction Management and Economics

School of the Built Environment     

University of Reading, PO Box 219, Whiteknights

Reading, RG6 6DF, UK


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