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Message: #09990

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Re: [EP-tech] advanced search form problem

Hi Endre Raba,

Certainly if you want to modify the eprints advanced search what you want to do is modify the version of eprint_search_advanced.pl in your archive's cfg/cfg.d/ directory or copy the version in flavours/pub_lib/cfg.d/ and then edit that new copy under your archive.

There are a couple of reasons this may not be working:

1. You are not reloading Apache correctly.  Typically, this will be "apachectl graceful" on Red Hat based Linux and "apache2ctl graceful" on Debian based (e.g. Ubuntu) Linux.  A more definitive way to test that the configuration has definitely been reloaded is to stop Apache, check no processes are running and then start it again.  E.g. On Red Hat based Linux:

apachectl stop
ps aux | grep httpd | grep -v grep
apachectl start

Or Debian-based Linux:

apache2ctl stop
ps aux | grep apache2 | grep -v grep
apache2ctl start

2. The eprint advanced search configuration exists in another file, alphanumerically later (e.g. z_eprint_search_advanced.pl).  You can do this by using grep.  I would check you archive's cfg.d directory, as well as the equivalent directories for pub_lib and lib.  Also, site_lib if it exists, as well as any ingredients.  E.g.

cd EPRINTS_PATH (e.g. /opt/eprints3/)
grep -r '$c->{search}->{advanced}' archives/ARCHIVE_ID/cfg/cfg.d/ flavours/pub_lib/cfg.d/ lib/cfg.d/ site_lib/cfg.d/ ingredients/*/cfg.d/

If that does not find any other occurrences, then please could you explain what you changed (e.g. provide a diff) for the modification you made in your archive's cfg/cfg.d/eprint_search_advanced.pl and what you were intending to change about advanced search.

Thanks and regards

David Newman

On 18/02/2025 7:12 am, raba.endre@opkm.hu wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

I installed EPrints 3.4 in november last year. I want to modify advanced
search form. First I watched the search configuration training video.
(Ok, it’s for EPrints 3.3.14) I found eprint_search_advanced.pl in
flavours/pub_lib/cfg.d/ library. I modified it, then I reloaded
configuration. Nothing changed. Then I copied the file into
archives/archivid/cfg/cfg.d/ library. Maybe this was the problem. I
modified it, then I reloaded configuration. Absolutely nothing. I tried
it in the lib/cfg.d/ library, the same thing happened. By the way, I
modified lib/cfg.d/users_search.pl. That worked correctly. In all cases
I reloaded Apache too. What can I do wrong?

Please help me

Thank you

Endre Raba

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