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Message: #09894

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[EP-tech] Embargoed files still accessible

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.


We had 33 dissertations which were to be embargoed permanently. The full text PDF was attached to the record but visibility was set to “Repository staff only.” I also changed the citation coding so that the PDF icon didn’t have a link in it. There was a PDF of the signature/title page available in a separate link. This morning, I received a desperate email from the head of our graduate school, forwarding an email from the program director for the department in question. He’d discovered that by searching, in any browser, studentname dissertation radford, anyone could access the full text PDF. I’ve just removed all of those dissertations because moving them out of the live repository and into my workspace wasn’t enough. Why does setting an embargo not work completely? Why did moving them into my workspace not prevent retrieval of the full text document?


Thank you,



Elizabeth McCormick

Systems Librarian

McConnell Library

Radford University




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